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SOLD OUT! Twilight at the Museum: Saturn Rising

“Twilight at the Museum returns for 2024! These Friday night evenings for all ages offer twilight talks with astronomers, observations of celestial objects from the rooftop deck (weather permitting), and access to all four floors of the Museum. Limited tickets available! Register online at

All ages

Tickets: $20 per non-member, $5 for members

Looking for more Twilight at the Museum tickets?

  • July 12: “Inner Space” SOLD OUT
    Observe the sunset from the museum roof deck! Starting with safe views of the Sun, the Museum’s July event will lend a chance to see our elusive neighbors near the center of our Solar System – Venus, the goddess of love, and Mercury, the messenger – as the brightest stars come out to celebrate our first astronomy evening of the summer.
  • August 9: “Magnificent Moonset”
    Sneak a peek at the mountains and valleys of a crescent moon as it follows planet Venus to set in the west. After dark, learn the basics of naked-eye stargazing, then take a closer look through our scopes at stars of every size, distance and color.
  • September 6: “Saturn Rising”
    Don’t miss this view of the Solar System’s most striking planet! Get a close-up view of Saturn as it shines in the nighttime sky, and keep an eye out for the largest of its many mysterious moons. With the sun setting earlier, guests will get extra time to hunt for deep sky objects such as star clusters and nebulae.


Sep 06 2024


8:00 pm - 11:00 pm


Buffalo Museum of Science
1020 Humboldt Parkway